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Showing posts with label Washington Monument. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington Monument. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Vietnam Wall at Sunrise

 The Vietnam Wall is one of my favorite Memorials because of it's stark simplicity and what it means to so many people.  I hope these shots can convey what it's like to stand in this somber spot as the sun comes up and the day is new and full of possibilities.  

The Washington monument reflected on the names of the fallen.

The Wall is officially part of the Vietnam Veterans memorial, along with the Three Soldiers Statue and the Vietnam Women's Memorial. 

Even after all of these years, those left behind, whether they be family members or brothers in arms, still feel the pain of their loss as if it was yesterday. 

It seems someone moved the gates away from the previously-closed Vietnam Wall (as it is part of a National Park) which allowed all who wished to, to practice their First Amendment rights. 

Early Morning on The National Mall and Around Washington DC

I spent the day all over Washington DC, trying to capture the feel of the city during the Government shutdown.  I started early in the morning at the Capitol and wandered kinda aimlessly for hours.  This blog and the next couple, will cover what I saw.

National Art Gallery.

Flags at the base of the Washington Monument and the Capitol Dome in the early light. 
Looking East from the WWII Memorial.
WWII Memorial.
Seems someone tore down the barricade at the WWII Memorial.

Two angles of the sunrise.  I couldn't decide which one to put on here so you get them both....
Fountain at the Federal Reserve Board.
Amerigo Vespucci Memorial on the lawn of the Organization of American States. This is who this country is named for. 
Daughters of the American Revolution, Memorial Continental Hall.
New York Presbyterian Church reflection.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Washington Monument Gets A 165th Birthday Facelift!

If you have visited Washington DC in the last several months, you've no doubt noticed the Washington Monument slowly being transformed into something resembling the old Erector sets from years ago. 

The monument was damaged in an August 2011 earthquake and has been closed and awaiting repairs since then.  Several months ago, scaffolding began to slowly creep up the sides until finally capped off at the top.  Now, repairs are underway with tours expected to resume next spring.    
16th St. facing South toward the White House with the Washington Monument in the background.
First Division Monument watches the construction.
The monument is 169 meters tall and had it's first stone placed July 4, 1848. It was completed  in 1884. 
Exact opposite direction from the previous White house shot, facing North from the base of the Monument.
What looks like duct tape from far away appears to actually be some sort of netting at the scaffolding joints.

Here's a news article telling more about the repairs including the staggering cost (of which you and I only have to pay half, so there's that.....)

I don't think I want to climb the ladder the workmen have to go up each day!
Trying out one of the lenses on the Hipstamatic app on the i-phone.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

One Million Bones On The National Mall

I was walking across the National Mall the other day when I found myself dodging bones.  Bones everywhere!  I've seen many things in DC, but nothing like this.....

Seems they were part of the One Million Bones project who's mission is to raise awareness of genocides and crises occurring in Sudan, Burma, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Somalia.

One Million Bones was launched In 2010 and resulted in 1,000,000 bones being spread across Washington DC's National Mall in early June, 2013, in remembrance of genocide victims and survivors, and to raise awareness of the issue.

I got to walk through this!  I can't take credit for this shot.  It's from where you can find out more about this project.
Also, check out for more info

Hashtag #onemillionbones on Twitter will lead to many more pics.
Piles of bones...........