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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Early Morning on The National Mall and Around Washington DC

I spent the day all over Washington DC, trying to capture the feel of the city during the Government shutdown.  I started early in the morning at the Capitol and wandered kinda aimlessly for hours.  This blog and the next couple, will cover what I saw.

National Art Gallery.

Flags at the base of the Washington Monument and the Capitol Dome in the early light. 
Looking East from the WWII Memorial.
WWII Memorial.
Seems someone tore down the barricade at the WWII Memorial.

Two angles of the sunrise.  I couldn't decide which one to put on here so you get them both....
Fountain at the Federal Reserve Board.
Amerigo Vespucci Memorial on the lawn of the Organization of American States. This is who this country is named for. 
Daughters of the American Revolution, Memorial Continental Hall.
New York Presbyterian Church reflection.

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