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Showing posts with label Nevada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nevada. Show all posts

Monday, January 1, 2018

Reno’s Little Old Cemetery on the Hill

Northeast of downtown, adjacent to the University of Nevada, Reno, lies Hillside Cemetery, Reno's oldest cemetery- dating back to the 1800s.

Hillside occupies prime real estate overlooking the downtown skyline- a location which has been a source of contention between several parties over the years. 
Vandals are frequent visitors.
The Hillside Cemetery Preservation Foundation, (HCPF), was formed in 2016, for the restoration, preservation, and protection of Hillside Cemetery. For more information, check out this link:

Many of the 800+ graves are unmarked or identified by piles of stones and debris. 
Over the years, volunteers have attempted to replace missing or damaged headstones.
Hillside is the final resting place for veterans of at least four wars including the Civil War,
Spanish American War, Mexican American War and the Florida War.

Although a prime spot to spend eternity, this occupant will forever remain unknown.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Burning Man Meets the Nada Dada Motel Art Exhbit

Had the opportunity to take in part of the Nada Dada Art Exhibit in Reno this weekend. We hit several sites including the famous Morris Burner Hotel. 

NadaDada is an artist-run art show held in various locations around town- in motel rooms! 
You can get more info at:

Below are some of my shots of the art on display at the MB, as well as some of the more interesting artistic aspects of the old hotel- some with my own artistic touches added.   
In the lobby of the MB.
The Morris Burner Hostel in their own words is a tired old hotel in downtown Reno which has been converted into a community art space, entertainment venue, burner hotel and hostel, and place where Burners can congregate, talk, and enjoy each others company whenever they wish.

The hotel is described as a "Large-scale art project that you would see on the playa, except we all get to enjoy it for years to come."

A positive vibe is prevalent throughout....

Mallory was more than willing to discuss her works and was one of the many interesting residents on site!
Learn more about her and her work here:

MB Info can be found here.
If you get the opportunity to visit the MB, I highly recommend it! 

On your way out, take your key and check out what the NY Times had to say about Nada Dada:

Friday, June 6, 2014

Reno-Tahoe Odyssey, 2014-- Team 178, The Couch Potatoes

On May 30-31, we participated in the 10th Annual Reno-Tahoe Odyssey which started and finished in Reno, Nevada, which traveled along the following course:

Below are several shots of the race, pretty much in chronological order.  I'm also including several shots of various sights from along the course.   Clicking on any of the shots should open a larger interface making them easier to view....

7:00 am on May 30, the first runners depart the starting gate.

7:40 am, team 178 (Heather, in light blue) is off.

Guess I'm ready for this.....

Allison, Jennifer and Ali.

Lacie done with her first run.

Lacie passes the baton to Kristie.

Exchange point at Boca.

Beki and Jennifer.


Jennifer, Beki, Allison and Kathy.

Heather at Boca.

Nevada nears the end of her first run.

Nevada hands the baton to Allison.

Kathy smiling after her first run...

Passing the baton to Jennifer.

Along Highway 89 on the way to Squaw Valley.

Jennifer on Leg 10.

Chris, Beki and me at Squaw.

Kathy saw this shirt.....

...and decided that 'yes', she COULD touch that!

Ali finishes Leg 11.

Ali hands off to Beki for Leg 12.

Kathy being a dork...


Beki midway through leg 12.

 Tahoe panorama.

Homewood ski resort with no snow.

Beki hands off to Heather.

Homewood chalet.

 Nice and warm at 4:45 am.

Beki ready for Leg 24.

Nevada finishes Leg 31, which was probably the hardest leg of the run.

...and hands off to Allison.

Kathy on Leg 33, another of the toughest of the run.

Leg 33.

On Leg 34, we passed Juan, the only person to ever run the entire 178 miles!!!

Looks like they forgot to pick up some signs.

The Couch Potatoes are DONE!!!!!!!

At the finish line.