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Showing posts with label Honor Flight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honor Flight. Show all posts

Saturday, October 5, 2013

An Afternoon at Washington DC's "Closed" WWII Memorial

I joined a group of bikers for a ride to the closed WWII Memorial this afternoon.  The goal of the group was not to disrupt anything, but to assist in ensuring none of the Honor Flights were turned away.   When we arrived, it was clear the memorial was still closed but that soon changed when the Park Police, who were thoroughly professional and polite, allowed us access.  We quickly met up with several older Veterans around the memorial and were honored to shake their hands and thank them for their service. 

Below is WWII Veteran "Bob" who turned 88 years old today.  He was the center of attention and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it, as he rightly deserves!!!! 

This is indicative of the day.

Bob was kind enough to pose for a portrait for me. 

Shortly after we entered the Memorial, a lot of the tourists in the area followed suit.  There were more people here today than I see on most visits!!  

It was great to see so many of the older Vets visiting their memorial. 

This guy posed for a shot also.

The news took note of what was going on and several camera crews and reporters arrived to conduct interviews.

In the end, NO Vets were denied access to the Memorial........

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A First Day of Fall Walk Around DC's Tidal Basin

These shots are from a walk around DC's Tidal Basin yesterday.  Even though it was officially the first day of fall, we couldn't have asked for better weather for an afternoon outside!
I took a picture of this tree full of cherry blossoms several months ago.  I hope to get it in the fall and with snow all around if possible too.
Even National Monuments aren't immune from "visitors"......
Helicopters frequently are seen flying overhead.
Thomas Jefferson Memorial.
Sun shining on the Washington Monument as it dwarfs the Old Post Office (Soon to be the new Trump hotel in DC).
Jefferson Memorial from the Ohio Drive Bridge.
This guy was patiently fishing near the Ohio Drive Bridge.  More on him later......
I don't know much about the Ohio Drive Bridge, just that one end was built in 1908 and the other in 1909.  What I REALLY don't know is who the heck commissioned not one, but TWO of these scary busts!!!!!!  
Jefferson Memorial.
"What guys?  We don't see anything?"
"Oooohhhhh, that big tall pencil-looking thingy!" 
Back to this dude.  He finally got his fish, then took 10 minutes to eat it...
This fellow let me get right up next to him for several shots!
I've been to the FDR Memorial before but this time I began to realize the scope of his influence on the country.  He was  actually elected to 4 terms, although he died during the 4th. 
There were several busses full of WWII vets visiting the area as part of the Honor Flight.  We've seen this  group before and they are impressive for what they do for our vets.
FDR quote, "I've seen war.  I hate war."
The Downtrodden.....
Now I know how to say this in brail.  Figured I'd take a picture since they call me Mr. Patience......
Sun rays over the Potomac to see us on our way home.