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Showing posts with label Hershey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hershey. Show all posts

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Quantico Run Amuck 2012

Four of us, Mason, Shawn, Jennifer and I, ran the 2012 Run Amuck today at Quantico Marine Base. This was a 3.5 mile run with 18 obstacles including PT stations; mud pits; tire dash; barbed wire crawl, 20-foot pipe slither; A-frame climb, and more! This year there were over 3000 participants!! Oh, and we got to hit Marines so that was worth it right there!!!!!

Since I was running, I had to rely on Anais and Mary Ann to get pictures of the event.  Both did great and I wanted to share a few pics.  

The Marine Corps Marathon runs this event too.
Jen, Shawn and me.
Jen, Shawn, my head and Mason.
This is one of Mary Ann's pics.
Another of Mary Ann's pics.  She took some great shots that Jen put up in her blog.
Go here:

Coming down one of the last hills.  There were about 700!!!


Someone just HAD to go dance!
There was.....

Thanks Anais for the pics!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hershey Pennsylvania Part III-- Butterflys in Hershey Gardens

Somehow I missed putting up the final set of Hershey photos.  Not a whole bunch to write about, just 8 pics of butterfly's at Hershey Gardens (the last one is my favorite!).  They have an indoor butterfly garden with hundreds of butterflys flying around!  We also got to see a couple hatch out of their cocoons! 

These pics could have gone in one of the other Hershey blogs, but I do try to keep them fairly short so as to not bore the reader, which, of course, is you! 

Click Me!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hershey Pennsylvania Part II, Hershey Gardens

Part of the prize package was admission to Hershey Gardens which began many years ago as Milton Hershey's Rose Garden.  This place alone was worth the trip to Hershey, PA!  For someone getting into photography, gardens like this are full of opportunities to practice different types of shots as well as just see really cool stuff!

Click on this.  It looks much better full size....

Another one that benefits from viewing full-sized.

Once again, Anais is MAKING me take her picture!  She just can't seem to stop!  

This ended up being one of my favorite pics.  It was just a quick, random shot with no set -up.  Seems that many times, this type of shot ends coming out great! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hershey, Pennsylvania Part I

Anais won a trip on the radio to Hershey, PA.  Not to Hershey Park, but to the Hershey Lodge and the Hershey Gardens.  We went last weekend and also went to their zoo while we were there.  

In these photos, I tried to capture what you won't typically see if you go to the Hershey area as we spent quite a bit of time driving outside the tourist part of town to see the 'hidden' parts of the Pennsylvania countryside.  

As always, if you click on a photo, it will bring up a different interface where the pics will be much larger and a little bit easier to navigate.  Enjoy and don't forget, all of the old blogs are archived to the right.

This is where we DIDN'T go.  Looks nice, but it was great to not have to deal with all the screaming people at an amusement park! 

This guy was all chill in his log at the Hershey Zoo while the young otter was going crazy playing all over the place! 
We thought this was a baby owl but it's actually full grown.  I know it's hard to get a  good reference in this pic, but he was about six inches tall.

This Grey Wolf was just digging in a hole in the ground like a dog!
I spent a bit more time on B&W's on this trip.  I took several shots in both color and B&W, then converted the color shots later to compare.  They looked exactly the same as the original B&W so I think all of my pics will start out in color from now on, that way I will always have the option of going back to color later if I do end up converting them.

This is Lancaster, PA. 
I broke the Hershey trip into three parts to keep them short.  There will be two more to follow from the Hershey Gardens, including one set of nothing but butterfly's.