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Showing posts with label Vietnam Wall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vietnam Wall. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Vietnam Wall at Sunrise

 The Vietnam Wall is one of my favorite Memorials because of it's stark simplicity and what it means to so many people.  I hope these shots can convey what it's like to stand in this somber spot as the sun comes up and the day is new and full of possibilities.  

The Washington monument reflected on the names of the fallen.

The Wall is officially part of the Vietnam Veterans memorial, along with the Three Soldiers Statue and the Vietnam Women's Memorial. 

Even after all of these years, those left behind, whether they be family members or brothers in arms, still feel the pain of their loss as if it was yesterday. 

It seems someone moved the gates away from the previously-closed Vietnam Wall (as it is part of a National Park) which allowed all who wished to, to practice their First Amendment rights. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

2013 Rolling Thunder Part III of IV-- The Pentagon 9-11 Memorial

No visit to the Pentagon is complete without a stop at the 9-11 Memorial.

A biker reads the names of those who lost their lives in the attack. 
Benches representing the lives lost with the US Air Force Memorial in the background.  The old barracks in the photo are being torn down to make room for the expansion of Arlington National Cemetery. Sadly, they've run out of room....
When The Pentagon was rebuilt, this original, blackened stone was used as a reminder.  If you enlarge the photo, you can see September 11, 2001, engraved on it. 
The lighter colored stones in the middle are what was replaced.  I thought the plane flying over was an eerie contrast. 

A tour guide explains what they will soon be experiencing.

There is A LOT of hatred for Jane Fonda among bikers.  I can't recall ever seeing another person's name worn in this manner on patches.   If you don't know why, do some research and see where you stand on the subject...
A biker at the Pentagon memorial sign.

2013 Rolling Thunder Part I of IV-- The Run

The Rolling Thunder First Amendment Demonstration Run is an annual ride and gathering that first started in 1988. Riders from around the nation, and even around the world rally in the Pentagon parking lots and begin the run through the streets of Washington, D.C. Afterward, it is an opportunity to meet old and new friends, pay respect at the memorials and participate in the Memorial Day events. (From the Rolling Thunder site

This was our fourth year riding and one thing that hasn't changed is the amazing feeling of being part of something so big and so important.  It's an awesome and humbling feeling to be able to ride with hundreds of thousands of bikers to show support for those killed or missing in action-- and all Military Members as well! 

I'll be putting pics up in a series of four blogs to keep them from running too long.  I hope you enjoy them and they pay just a little tribute to those who have given their lives for our country... 

There is no shortage of American Flags at Rolling Thunder and I have a tendency to try to photograph them all !!!!

This is on the back of a semi!
And this is on the side.....
On the back of another rig.

A helicopter flies over the US Air Force Memorial. 

The previous two photos are the same bike.  There are a lot of bikes out there decorated  in support of  the Military and fallen comrades. 
This truck is decorated in support of LCPL Phillip D. Vanedge who was killed in action on October 13, 2010.  That's his mom you see on the door standing next to his toombstone. 

Military Nurses Memorial.
After we rode, we parked and watched bikes for awhile.  It was awesome to get to take the ride in as a spectator also.  Later, I got this shot on Constitution.  We didn't know it until but this was the last biker. 

Our bikes the morning of the ride.  They usually get their once a year bath just for Rolling Thunder!
Ready to ride!
The Vietnam Wall.
Soldiers Memorial next to The Wall.