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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge, aka, "Bug City!"

This afternoon, we visited the 644 acre Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge which is located where the Potomac river meets the Occoquan River. 

The varied habitats are claimed to provide visitors a "unique opportunity to view a wide variety of wildlife species and habitats in a relatively small area." 

We saw bugs. 

Not to say it wasn't a beautiful place, it's just that we saw bugs and no wildlife. Oh, we saw a bird too!

This is one of those shots that looks better if you click on it!

This and the next pic are the closest we came to seeing the thousands of species of wildlife we were promised!  It's the remains of a dead turtle!  The skull is like 10 inches long!  This thing must have been huge!!!!!

In the refuge's defense, it was pretty hot while we were there and most animals stay hidden when it's hot.  Maybe I'll try again early in the morning sometime and have better luck.  Hopefully I'll get to do a part II of this page one day with some great animal photos...


  1. Awesome... as always. I love the blurry log :)

    1. Thanks Kathy, the blurry log was by chance. I've been messing with the camera settings and trying to learn each. I probably couldn't have done that on purpose if I tried!

  2. My favorite picture is the one at the top, the trail winding through the grasses and trees and shrubs. I've walked trails like this many times on warm summer days.

    1. I took several shots of the trail which came out great! Even if you ended up not seeing any animals, you would really enjoy this place for photo taking!

  3. You went there for the wildlife, or the wild life?

    1. We went for the wildlife but pretty much only saw "still life"!

  4. You always capture the best of every place you visit. The flower and bug pictures are lovely.

    1. Thanks!! I'm glad some of the bee shots came out. Those are actually cropped down pretty far (you know, on account of I didn't really want to get THAT close to all those bees!).
