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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Colonial Beach, VA.

Colonial Beach, Virginia, is a small, Chesapeake Bay town of several thousand that saw its heyday come and go several years ago.  Now it seems more of a home to dilapidated piers, bedroom communities for Dahlgren Naval Base staff and ospreys.  It's not to far from our house and is just the type of place I love to photograph!  Additionally, it’s breeding season and we saw several large nests with juvenile ospreys and nervous parents watching the weird guy with the camera taking pictures!

As we made our was to Colonial Beach, Anais spotted our first Osprey of the day with material for a nest.

 I think old barns make great photographs. 

 Potomac Beach which is right next to Colonial Beach on the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia.

Juvenile Osprey near the nest.

Pilings from an old pier that likely once held a casino.  The low tide line is the Maryland State line and years ago, this area was lined with casinos as gambling was legal in Maryland but not Virginia.  Several hurricanes took care of the casinos though!

 Juvenile Osprey near the nest.

More old boardwalk pilings.

 I'm always looking for old signs like this.  I like the way they take you back to a time gone by...


  1. I like the bicycle on the pier and the white car!

  2. I figured you would like the car and Brian would like the bicycle!

  3. That's interesting about the casinos on the state line. Nature wipes out the best of plans. You would think they had considered the possibility of hurricanes when they built them. I like the car because it looks cool, but I like the bike picture for composition; lines in this case. It's a very nice picture. The Osprey carrying nesting material is another really good shot!

  4. Potomac Beach, old signs and bike on the pier - love them!

  5. I like all the pictures, especially the one at the top. Very nice, professional looking blog.
