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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's A Mad, MAD River!!!!!!!

These shots were taken this afternoon along the Rappahannock River in Fredericksburg, VA.  The river along here is typically a couple feet deep but after the storm, it's running several feet deeper than that.  I usually can stand out in the middle and get pics, but not today!!!

Usually this is about a 40 foot wide section of quietly flowing river. 
This small pool is the result of the already falling river.
You wouldn't know from this angle there is an angry river right behind me!
This area is part of a grassy lawn about 15-20 feet higher than the typical level of the river.  I stood with some friends about 50 feet from this spot last week and did some pics.  That area is now several feet underwater. 

Just to put it in perspective, below is a pic from May of this year, taken in the same area.  Right now, the water is at least 1/3 of the way up the large white tree on the left. 

The pics below are from the dock area in Downtown Fredericksburg.

These stairs lead to a dock where the riverboat sits. 
This pic was taken a few months back.  The tree to the left in this shot is at the far right of the pic above it.  This whole area is under water, even a day  after the storm came through. 

The downtown railroad bridge.  usually there is much more clearance. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lorton SuperMax Zombie Run

Just a couple shots from our Zombie Run around the Lorton SuperMax (DC DOC) prison today.  I will definitely be back to get some more shots with a regular camera!   

Back of the race shirt.
Very happy with how this shot turned out.
Jen waiting for the race to start.
Outside the main prison wall.
Lots of people with crazy shirts.  One was dressed as Shane from The Walking Dead. (except he was alive and Shane's all dead and stuff now!!!!) 

I ain't askeert of no zombies!!!!!!!!
Rear Sallyport.  Well, Rear Gate anyway, looks like they didn't really use the whole 'sallyport concept.' 

Almost done.
 I hope to have more pics soon to add.........................................

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall Color on Government Island

I hadn't been to Government Island in awhile and it's one of my favorite places to photograph.  With the changing leaves and a nice cool temperature, I figured today would be a great day to pay a visit.

This mother and kids were collecting leaves.  They had many to choose from.

I like to include a shot of this tree in each Government Island blog.  One day, I'll be able to go back and look at the differences over time.
Nobody on the rope swing today.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Rockabilly Kustom Car Show, Part II

Pin-up Girl Contest contestant.

KFFA and PKMC ink.
More contestants from the Pin-up Girl Contest.
Another Pin-up Girl.

NOT a pin-up girl contest contestant.....
I had to laugh, looks like the big, bad biker just isn't pulling off the "Bad" part very well!!!!

Saw a lot of girls with lots of ink.